Considering the complexity of human nature, the HR professional has a daunting task to screen short listed candidates for crucial positions in their companies.  It’s not only about skills and experience.

It is not surprising therefore that several countries make use of handwriting analysis as one of their assessment measures of personality and character. Making use of handwriting analysis as one of the methods to assess personality and character, will provide further information to make an informed decision, other than skills and experience about a potential candidate, .

Handwriting Analysis would provide often surprising information which other assessments do not. For example, handwriting analysis would identify areas of potential conflict and areas of compatibility between a line manager and prospective subordinate, or a new manager and subordinates already in the company. Handwriting analysis would identify how members of a team will function together, who are the thinkers, who are the doers, who are the coasters, strengths and weaknesses etc. Handwriting analysis, would indicate tolerance towards stressful situations, levels of reliability; how successfully the prospective applicant will interact in interpersonal relationships, whether they are more people or process driven.  Are there any signs of substance abuse  or anger issues?  And so many other aspects of personality and character.

Of course, it goes without saying that the handwriting analyst will have undergone rigorous training in the science of handwriting assessment, would be able to integrate many elements in the process of analysing handwriting, requires critical and other higher order thinking skills, adhere to a code of ethics, remain impartial and professional and be acutely aware of the responsibility of providing potentially sensitive information.