Impromptu handwriting analysis

Increasingly promotions and other companies in Johannesburg, are requesting handwriting analysts to do impromptu analyses and then to provide 15 – 30 minute feedback to the writer.  This raises an ethical dilemma.   Handwriting analysis simply cannot be seen as a gimmick as it contains a great deal

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Accuracy of Signature Analysis in Personality Profiling

Can one obtain an accurate portrait of a personality from analysing the signature only?  I have to say a categoric ‘No!.  In the past couple of hours I have found three varied and contrasting analyses of Jacob Zuma’s signature.  This in itself suggests that an accurate portrayal

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Public Perception of Handwriting Analysis

Can handwriting analysis as a measurement of personality, be taken seriously? Let’s start by asking, can one take finger print analysis seriously?  Can one take the Rorschach projective test interpretation seriously?  Is the interpretation of the’DAT’ reliable, creditable?  None of the above falls into the ambit of

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Function of Handwriting Analysis

I am often asked where one would use handwriting analysis. Handwriting analysis has several applications. The most frequently used application in South Africa is in human resource selection. However, as handwriting is really a response of the hand to the brain impulses, handwriting analysis can be done

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Forensic Handwriting Analysis – The link between the hand and the brain

Much research has been conducted over the last number of centuries, into handwriting as a link between the hand and the brain. According to Wolf (1963) since handwriting is an unconscious action, and since handwriting analysis is used to identify whether a writing is genuine, it is therefore recognised that the

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Can stress be revealed in handwriting?

STRESS AND YOUR HANDWRITING   Stress and burnout have become a part of everyday life for most people as work and family demands constantly increase. Stress can be defined as the response to what the individual perceives as challenging events in his/her life. Stress varies with the

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Why Handwriting Analysis should be regulated by the Professional Council

Handwriting Analysis as a projective test measuring personality, should be regulated by the statutory body tasked with overseeing such tests. A projective test is a personality test in which a person interprets ambiguous stimuli such as words and images revealing hidden emotions and possibly inner conflicts. The handwriting manifests what is happening in

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Characteristics of a Good Handwriting Analyst

What are the characteristics a good handwriting analyst should strive after? Well perhaps one should start with what a good handwriting analyst is not.  A handwriting analyst is not someone who tells the future, attains training through reading a book from a bookstore or indulges in ‘over a

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Evidence in what you say

Statement Analysis is a valuable forensic technique in the detection of deception or otherwise in a statement and an important crime fighting tool. Yet, in South Africa, statements are taken in the clumsiest of ways by police officers who can only speak or write basic English. A

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Oscar Pistorius’s Handwriting

Coming across a so-called analysis of Oscar Pistorius’s handwriting on the worldwide web, concerned me greatly as I believe the ethics which any graphologist worth his or her salt holds dear, has been compromised. Firstly, analysing such a brief note written several years ago cannot do justice to a professional

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